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One & Only Mandarina, Mexico

Carretera Federal Libre, Tepic - Puerto Vallarta 200, 63724 Monteón, Nay., México

Villa, Waterfront

1 year ago

Villa, Waterfront

1 year ago

Beds: 11Baths: 7 + 5m2: 765


1 year ago

Beds: 11Baths: 7 + 5m2: 765


1 year ago

1 year ago

WHY AUCTION? The world’s finest art, cars and antiques are sold at auction — so, why not property?
In today’s real estate market, there is limited liquidity for luxury, and in the luxury realm, the buyer
pool is limited. Properties in this category are difficult to value and sell. Enter the 60-day solution.


Concierge Auctions is the largest luxury real estate auction marketplace in the world with 90%+ market share and the most comprehensive database of high-net-worth property connoisseurs on the planet.

At The Boutique Real Estate, all of our agents are certified preferred agents with Concierge Auctions. They have deep knowledge and understanding of the auction process and can assist you with your strategy to win any auction at just the right price.

As a seller, our Preferred Agents have extensive experience in your market and the leverage of an influential professional and personal network. As a buyer, a local Preferred Agent can assist with bidding strategies and provide comparable real estate sales and local market knowledge.


We understand the traditional real estate model has limitations. And, we’re here
to help. We match sellers of one-of-a-kind properties with the world’s most
capable buyers via state-of-the-art digital marketing, property preview, and
bidding platform. Every single day.


We add unmatched exponential reach, speed, and certainty. In short, we help sellers accomplish in as little as 30 days what can otherwise take years.

We know every luxury home and select only the best. One of every 20, to be exact. The result? Buyers have direct access to incredible deals on the world’s finest properties.